For collages and prints visit:
Cricket Fine Art.

Rhinemaidens on the Riverbank,
Wagner Series Collage

Dione Verulam in front of one of her commissioned screens.
(The wall behind features some of her work)

Dione Verulam began her creative career as a stenciller working for private clients, decorators, hotels and churches. As an artist her work is inspired by her home, family and travelling.

For wallpapers:

Jazz Large Wallpaper Print

Dione Verulam on a staircase papered with her Pheasant design

Evolving from Dione’s love of print and pattern, this collection of wallpapers, which could also be printed on fabric, feature a range of styles and palettes inspired by her collages, stencils and print making.

For Miscellaneous Pieces

Stencilled Screen

Leaves Carpet

Evolving from Dione’s love of print and pattern, this a miscellaneous collection of carpets and screens. These are commissioned pieces.